Common across North America, the House Finch is known for its vibrant red plumage on males and streaked brown appearance on females. They are often found in urban areas and are known for their melodious songs.
With its striking yellow plumage and black wings marked with white, the Goldfinch is a common sight in gardens and meadows across Europe and North America. They are often seen perched on thistle plants, feeding on seeds.
Native to Australia, the Zebra Finch is named for its bold black and white striped plumage. They are popular as pets and are known for their cheerful chirping and lively behavior.
Endemic to Australia, the Gouldian Finch is prized for its stunningly vibrant plumage, which comes in various colors including red, black, and yellow. They are highly sought after by bird enthusiasts for their beauty.
Also known as the Bengalese Finch, the Society Finch is a domesticated species popular in aviculture. They come in various color mutations and are known for their peaceful temperament and melodious songs.
Found across Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, the Greenfinch is named for its olive-green plumage. They are often found in gardens and woodlands, where they feed on seeds and insects.
With its robust build and powerful beak, the Hawfinch is known for its distinctive appearance. They are found across Europe and parts of Asia and are often seen in wooded areas, where they feed on seeds and fruits.
Common across Europe and western Asia, the Chaffinch is known for its colorful plumage, featuring shades of pink, blue, and white. They are often found in woodlands and gardens, where they feed on seeds and insects.
Native to northern Eurasia, the Brambling is known for its striking breeding plumage, which includes orange and black markings. They are migratory birds, often seen in flocks during the winter months in Europe and Asia.