Since 2013, this San Diego taqueria has established 10 sites in California, Florida, and Nevada. The Habit Burger Grill chief chef Jason Triail recommends the genuine taco business, inspired by Tijuana taco stalls.
Tacos Angel is a "hidden gem" food truck. The little restaurant is adjacent to an antique shop in downtown Fort Walton Beach, Fla. Innisfree Hotels director of food.
Chef Kris Lohraff orders tacos from home. La Vencedora, a Grand Rapids secret treasure, is his favorite taco restaurant. Lohraff, an executive chef with Chicago's Machine Hospitality Group.
The queue out the door indicates that this Brooklyn taco eatery is busy. ButcherBox chef-in-residence Ashley Lonsdale likes Taqueria Ramirez. "It's no secret, so there's typically a long wait time, but it's worth it," adds.
"Ostioneria Bahia is near my Orange County home, and I'm a regular," adds Triail of Habit Burger Grill. Since 1991, these men have perfected their taco game and nailed it.
Chef Donald Young, Duck Sel owner, says Taqueria Chingon in Chicago is his current favorite. "I like the masa they use for tortillas and its texture. Taco inventiveness is also great."
Since 1958, El Parasol has served traditional New Mexican meals. With six locations in Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Española, and Pojoaque, it is a fan favorite.
This Chicago taco eatery has two locations and is popular. A Michelin Guide Bib Gourmand winner for four years, Birrieria Zaragoza serves good-quality, affordable food.
Pablito's Tacos is so popular that it launched another pop-up in North Hollywood in front of Randy's Donuts.