Third-Party Plan Reviews Ease Inspection Workload

Delays are costly for developers and builders. Slow inspections in a municipality can hinder growth and economic development, leading to a negative reputation. The solution is third-party plan reviews and inspections.

With a third-party plan review, a qualified private firm provides review or inspection services to suit a municipality’s needs. Utilizing third-party plan reviews provides:

Infographic "How a Third-Party Review Works" arrows show municipality hires an outside firm. The firm reviews a building and information is received by the municipality.

Expertise – Through collaboration with industry professionals specializing in the various disciplines of the building sciences, Detailed Inspection Service can offer a wide variety of inspection and plan review services.

Quality Standard – Inspectors and plan reviewers have all current licenses and certifications, including those from the City of Chicago, International Code Council (ICC) and the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI).

Timeliness – Staff members may be stretched thin. In busy municipal building departments. A third-party review helps ease the workload while providing a quick transition from review to permit issuance. Flexible schedules allow for temporary or permanent assistance with all village inspection and plan review needs.

Flexibility – Municipalities can hire a third-party firm to conduct all – or just a portion – of a review or inspection depending on how busy the local jurisdiction is or on the expertise of their own staff. Contact us for more information about our third-party inspections and reviews.

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